Controlling Access to the Conference Call

Formally, “controlling access to the conference call” is defining the access policy, i.e. the right to connect to the conference and getting specific role (host/moderator/listener) in the conference. This could be done either based on the standard Wyde bridge conference authorization features or could be defined based on your own security infrastructure using customized authorization adapter written to integrate your security into call flows authorization.

Wyde bridge authorization is formed from Authorization Adapters and Authorization Methods. The Authorization Adapter is the component (function) responsible for specifying access rights in the conferences. The Authorization Method is the specific authorization adapters together with its parameters (if necessary) that are used to authorize in the conferences.

Authorization Integration for conference access can be made in one of the following ways:

  • You can turn off authorization completely, i.e. anyone who calls the conference DNIS number is allowed to connect to the conference regardless of access code entered. Usually this approach is used in the free-for-all conferences.
  • Authorization can be made via a local database so that when a person dials the conference DNIS number, they are then asked to enter an access code. This access code is then verified in the local database against subscribers’ conference account definitions. User roles in the conference (i.e. host, participant, listener roles) are assigned according to the DNIS number and access code used. This approach is usually used in the conferences with toll free numbers.
  • Authorization can be made via external RADIUS or LDAP server by standard authorization adapters that come with the bridge. Your organization may be already using one of those external authorization servers (for example Active Directory service created by Microsoft).
  • A custom authorization adapter can be written to determine which users can connect to the conference and what role that user will be granted. Typically, the information can be taken from your external SQL database or others.

For detail information about standard and custom authorization adapters and methods, authorization integration process as well as samples of authorization adapters see Wyde Voice Product Documentation “Wyde Authorization Guide” at

About Michael Zilber

Technical Writer, Wyde Voice
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